The V60 pour-over method produces a clean, bright cup of coffee with a delicate flavour profile.
V60 dripper
Paper filters
Medium-fine ground coffee
Filtered water
Gooseneck kettle
Grind: Use a medium-fine grind, similar to granulated sugar.
Heat Water: Heat filtered water to just off the boil (around 195-205°F or 90-96°C).
Rinse Filter: Rinse the paper filter with hot water to remove paper taste.
Add Grounds: Place the filter in the V60 dripper and add the desired amount of ground
coffee. A general ratio is 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 8 ounces of water.
Bloom: Pour a small amount of hot water over the grounds to wet them evenly. Let it bloom
for 30-45 seconds.
Pour Water: Slowly pour the remaining hot water in a circular motion, starting from the
center and working your way outwards.
Brew: Let the coffee drip through.
Pour and Enjoy: Once the brewing is complete, remove the V60 and enjoy your clean,
flavourful cup of coffee.